Creative Europe
Dreams Traces Travellings Containers
Dreams Traces Travellings Containers project was created with the intention of putting the concept of dreams at the center that pushes people to journey to improve one’s existence. Empathic narration is the “language” we have chosen to adopt: a non evaluative way of listening that prefers understanding the feelings and basic needs of the other. The intent is to focus on the concept of dreams that pushes people to travel to improve their lives.
We will collect stories that will form an Archive, called the Archive of Dreams, constituting the narrative material for theatrical dramaturgy. Historical archives, associations working in the field, local communities will be involved, asking them to tell contemporary and past stories that tell the dream that drove them to move, to describe the momentum that moves and pushes them to change their lives and take a new course, coming or starting from the local territory. Once the stories have been collected, they will be organized and shared in the Archive platform.
At the end of the project the information will be made available to those who request it, at the time of registration. From the completion of this phase, will begin the dramaturgy process based on the collected material the creative process supported by dramaturgical workshops will create performance.
The project aims to create a 45-day Travelling Dreams Festival, which will take place in continuity in the different locations of the project and which will allow the stories to come to life through the kaleidoscope created by the theatrical show, in various parts of Europe. The Festival will have 5 stages: Senigallia (Italy), Heraklion (Greece), Seville (Spain), Holstebro (Denmark) and Brussel (Belgium). Partners will perform during festivals with a series of performances in different places.
The subjects involved in the project have a history of artistic production research and growth on the social fabric of their territory as well as experiences of international exchanges and collaborations. A project like this, which concerns a transactional theme such as migration, if addressed exclusively at local level risks aligning itself with the cultural political orientations of the country itself. International collaboration is essential to have a broader perspective, moving away from prejudices, clichés and personal feeling.
Perform and travel
We are in the process of defining, due to the current global pandemic, the calendar and number of days of duration of the festival. The shows produced, will circulate over several days of the festival, which will touch the European countries in which the partners are artistically resident. The project will end with a collective theatrical performance in Brussels, rehearsed during a European tour.

Creative concept
The heart of this project is precisely the exchange, the willingness to open up to accept different perspectives (and dreams). Consistent with the objectives of the 2030 agenda, we want to tell the diversity and uniqueness of dreams. I have a dream is a minimum common denominator of a project that invites institutions, associations and the business world to participate.
Our goals:
- Inform and involve local, regional and national transport authorities.
- Provide a framework and process for sharing experience and building knowledge between selected partners and stakeholders.
- Making tools accessible through events, training and workshops for consolidation, exchange and transfer of knowledge.
- Facilitating the application of the methodology across Europe by the authorities and individuals concerned.
- The final results of the project and recommendations will be presented at events and dedicated workshops and other conferences that will bring together experts on the theme of the project.
- A dedicated monitoring tool will monitor all conferences and events in which project partners participate and disseminate the material.
- permanent appropriation of results by beneficiaries.
- Strong awareness-raising work on UN Agenda 2030 issues.
- Strengthening social cohesion.
- Enhancing cultural diversity and the international dimension.
- The possibility of replicating approaches and the technologies used.
- The possibility to know and relaunch the territories.
- The activation of the Archive of Dreams capable of uniting different generations in a single narrative.
- Respect for the territories through the organization of a traveling festival with low environmental impact able to spread a culture of sustainability.
- The materials produced within the project come from a completely sustainable supply chain.